jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

The Education Issue In The Dominican Republic

The island of Dominican Republic is lacking on a critic material, the education of children. Statelessness and alcoholism can greatly affect in a way the education of a child. Children in the Dominican Republic with Haitian last names are being denied a birth certificate in order to “purify” the country. Without a birth certificate a child is denied to do many things, one of this is having a proper education. All schools, public or private, ask for a birth certificate to let a child be accepted in a school. “Llevo mi hijo adonde el govierno para buscarle el certificado de nacimiento y me dicen que no me lo van a dar, ahora que va a pasar con su educacion?” This is a quote from the book Leyes de Humanos, translated into English it says about a parent taking his child to the government to get his birth certificate and that they denied them one, at the end of the sentence his asking what he will do with his sons education.

   Another way of lack of education is through alcohlisim.  State child welfare records indicate that substance abuse is one of the top two problems exhibited by families in 81% of the reported cases.” This is a quote from the article “The Relationship between Parental Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Child Maltreatment”. In the house children are sometimes abused with alcohol because of theyre parents arriving home drunk. Drinking alcohol for children can cause permanent brain damage which makes them hard to learn new subjects and matirials. It can also lead them to death meaning they can’t learn nothing at all anymore. Not only them being abused with alcohol affects their educaition but also their parents arriving home drunk. Children learn from their parents, if their parents are drunk most of the time when they are home and a child dosent have a proper educaition at school he wont get it at home either. The Dominican Republic lacks of a critical material for children, educaition.
  • "Around 101 million primary school age children worldwide are not enrolled in school. Most of these are girls. Millions more children are enrolled in schools now than at any time in history."
  • "Around one in six children aged from five to 14, 16% of this age group, are working around the world."
  • "Close to 2 million children have been killed in armed conflicts in the past decade."
  • "Nearly all countries in the world have signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and committed themselves to promoting, protecting and fulfilling the rights of children."

  • Quotes from  http://www.globaleducation.edna.edu.au/globaled/go/cache/offonce/pid/26

For more informaition about children goto www.childinfo.org

Start to act, make a change, help the children in need.